kode iklan DFP 1 Find Out How to Get Rid of a Acne Overnight! | ACNE TREATMENT

Find Out How to Get Rid of a Acne Overnight!

copy iklannya disini 300 x 600

People are looking for ways on how to get rid of a acne overnight. Why not? acne do have detrimental effects on one's personality. Yes, you read it right; it has psychological effects on people. Aside of course, from its damaging result on the physical acne of a person suffering from the skin condition. So making an immediate treatment on a acne is also a step against the psychological effects it brings to a person's life.
In a study, your acne can also lead to reduced self-confidence, low self-esteem, and embarrassment. More so, people who have acne are also prone to negative emotions like anger, depression, and frustration. Those suffering these skin disorder also has poor image of themselves that eventually leads to social withdrawal.

A Factors that cause acne, These causes include the following: 

1. According to Sebaceous Glands - This gland produce an oil substance which is called sebum. Basically, the oil keeps the skin shiny, moist, and healthy. The oil flows to the skin pores. When the sebaceous gland comes in contact with dirt, the sebum will then block the pores that results to acne outbreaks. Also, when there is a hormonal imbalance and the sebaceous gland overproduced sebum, acne are likely to become evident as well.

2. According to Hereditary Factors - certain hormones are usually developed genetically. Thus, acne basically run within a family that can be passed to other generations.

3. According to Environmental Factors - overexposure to ultraviolet rays, dirt, sun, pollution, and high dampness results to the obstruction of the tiny pores which allows the acne to grow.

4. According to Regular Diet - taking foods that has fatty substance, oily, spicy, pastries, chocolates, nuts, and sugar causes for an overproduction of sebum that leads to acne. More so, iodine salts, bromine, and other drugs with these substances are also said to result to acne.

5. According to Stress - is another factor that causes acne. Both physical and mental stress triggers for the release of chemicals and hormones that produces toxins which in turn causes acne.

6. According to Excessive Sweating - the excess sweats that do not evaporate will obstruct the tiny pores which will cause the acne. In addition, a greasy cosmetic that clogs within the skin pores also aggravate acne.

B.Tips for removing acne :
While there is a number of acne causes, there is an even greater ways on how to get rid of a acne overnight. The following are useful tips that will relieve your of your worries. You can choose the best remedy that fits your skin type.

1. Water - the most practical way on how to get rid of a acne overnight is to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day. It is not only good for the skin but for your overall health. Water detoxifies the bacteria out from your body. These bacteria causes disease and at some point acne.

2. Wash your face regularly - washing your face with water at least twice a day helps in keeping the acne from growing in your face. Yet, you should not wash your face more than what is required since it has natural oils that your skin needs. Over washing of face can also lead to dry and scaly skin.

Use Ice and Toothpaste- this is one of the best way on how to get rid of a acne overnight. You simply need to damp it on the acne for at least two minutes. Use a clean soft cloth in doing this process and then apply toothpaste and leave it for the rest of the night. The following day, you will notice that your simple process on how to get rid of a acne overnight had been successful.

Do not touch - frequent touching of acne can cause danger of infection. The bacteria within your hand after touching surfaces that has bacteria can cause further damage in your acne which may lead to other complications. Also, taking your acne in contact with your hair, clothing, pillowcases, and even your hair. Thus, it is always best that you keep things that come into contact with your face and acne clean at all times.

Let It Breathe - your skin will require a breather on a regular basis. You don't a constant medication when a acne comes out unless it's beginning to grow in numbers. Basically, it heals itself naturally. Acne products can contain harsh ingredients that can possible harm your skin especially the face. The products are designed to treat acne problems, yet it does not considers the overall skin health.

 While at home, there are certain homemade processes recommended on how to get rid a acne overnight. It includes the following:

Use Vegetable and Fruits - Mix a lemon juice with rose water. Apply the mixture in your face and leave it for thirty minutes before rinsing with cold water. This is one of the best processes on how to get rid of a acne overnight. Plus, it also makes the skin lighter thus removing the scar caused by the acne.

Fruit Leaves, Peels, Etc. - gently rub the leaves of strawberry on the acne. This process reduces the swelling and redness of the acne which proved to be one of the best ways on how to get rid of a acne overnight. Also you can use orange peel, just mash it to make the texture pasty, and then mix it water. Apply the mixture on the infected area then wash it water after.

While garlic has a bad smell, you will need it to get rid of a acne overnight. Just crush the garlic and apply it on the infected area. After a repeated process you will then notice a smooth skin relieved from acnes overnight.

The above remedies are practically natural and homemade. There are however ways on how to get rid of a acne overnight that uses chemical solutions and mixtures which are often prescribed by doctors and can be bought over the counter on drugstores. It includes the following:

Exfoliating masques and cleansers - come in a variety of exfoliants, mild scrubs, and masks which contains salicylic acid. Meanwhile, products that has alpha hydroxyl and glycolic are also good skin exfoliants.

Topical Applications - the product are creams, gels, and lotion in form that are directly applied to the infected area. You can buy these topical applications which have resorcinol, sulfur, and benzoyl peroxide as ingredients.
Generally, treatment of acnes not only cures the person skin disorder. It also helps in the improvement of the personality of a person who had been infected with the skin problem. It helps the person regain self-esteem and introduces himself back to his environment. No one needs to hide when there is a number of ways on how to get rid of a acne overnight.

C. 8 Things You Must Avoid To Get Rid Of Acne Faster

1. Eating junk food
Like oily, spicy, sugary and soft drinks. Because these foods can clog the pores of the skin. Not only that, but junk-food also disrupts the digestive system which affects the face

2. Using a dirty smartphone
A number of studies show that the smarthpone that we often hold contains a large number of bacteria attached.
The bacteria found on the smartphone will transfer to the facial skin which causes irritating and
3. spotty skin.
Not getting enough sleep
Lack of sleep can increase stress hormones which will also increase acne.
Make sure you have 7 to 8 hours of plenty of sleep so that you stay healthy.

4. Touching hands to face
Even though you often wash your hands and use hand sanitizer, your hands have lots of bacteria and dirt. Avoid touching the face with your hands directly, the bacteria found on the hands can cause acne skin.

5.Dirty scalp
Scalp that is too oily or has dry flakes such as dandruff can cause facial skin to break out.

D. Foods to Avoid When Acne Appears

1. Chocolate
Because in chocolate there is a very high sugar content that can reduce endurance so that it allows bacteria, viruses or other free radicals

2. French fries
French fries contain high fat and accelerate the onset of acne. Fats in the oil can affect the performance of hormones that trigger the appearance of bibntil bitil itchiness of acne

3. Spinach
because it contains iron but has a high iodine content iodine can trigger skin tissue damage on the face and trigger the appearance of acne.

4. Peanuts
Peanuts contain a lot of fat which, if consumed in excess, can make facial skin more oily, and clog pores and form blackheads and slowly turn into acne

5. Small Shrimp and Lobster
Small shrimp or sea lobster contain many metals and iodine which can trigger the appearance of acne.

6. Milk
Milk is very good for the health defense of the human body but milk has a high fat content that can increase the hormone that causes acne.

7. Strawberry Fruit
Strawberry is a fruit that is refreshing and contains vitamin C which can increase endurance and prevent premature aging, but the acid can cause acne.

8. Coffee drinks
Coffee is delicious as a friend in activities and while relaxing, but the substance of caffeine in coffee can increase stress hormones and difficulty controlling mood. Remember stress is one of the biggest factors in the appearance of acne and blackheads on the face.

9. Cheese Type
the content of glycosa and minyaak that are present when too much is consumed will disrupt the stability of the immune system and trigger the appearance of acne.

10. Types of rattan bread
Bread contains a lot of sugar and starches that cannot be digested quickly by the body, allowing acne to grow

11. Foods that contain lots of salt
 because salt is not able to absorb water properly and inhibits nutrients to spread throughout the body's tissues, resulting in the growth of acne

12. Foods that contain coconut milk
coconut milk contains bad fats which can block oxygen intake in blood vessels around the face. if the blood vessels in the face lack oxygen intake, bacteria will easily enter through the pores of the skin and act on causing blockages that trigger acne.

E. Foods That Can Prevent Acne

1. Food containing Omega 3
Someone who is lacking in omega 3 substances in his body will look dull and not glowing because of the appearance of acne everywhere.

2. Foods that contain zinc
A person who is deficient in zinc in his body will make natural oil instability under the skin, because lack of zinc can form skin lesions that trigger the growth of blackheads and zits.

3. Foods that contain high fiber
 Digestion that is impaired can cause accumulation of toxins to spread on the skin's collagen tissue which can trigger acne.

4. Foods that contain active antioxidants
Foods that contain active and strong antioxidants that have the ability to maintain skin conditions remain young, tight and free of acne.

F. foods that are good for consumption during acne

1. Fish Fats
Helps reduce inflammation in the body, the acid content of fish fat can be an intake to fight acne stains!

2. Peanuts
Many say that nuts are an enemy to sensitive and acne-prone skin.

3. Avocado
Avocados also have a lot of vitamin E which can increase skin vitality.

4. Red wine
Red grape fruits and seeds contain antioxidants that can treat skin conditions.

5. Artichoke
Artichoke is a green vegetable that is a source of antioxidants and vitamin C. bye, acne!

6. Brown rice
Rich in vitamin B, protein and magnesium, brown rice has the effect of reducing stress on the skin and preventing the possibility of acne dropping by.

7. Garlic
The content of natural chemicals in garlic can kill many bacteria that are harmful to the skin.

G. The Most Natural Traditional Remedy for Acne Removal

1. Lime
Lime contains minyat atsiri which can block the activity of bacterial movements that trigger acne. other than that amino acid, resin, glycos and others can protect the skin from free radicals that can make dirty faces and are contaminated with germs. Lime juice can be applied as a daily mask. Which can help you get rid of zits.

2. Tomatoes
Tomatoes contain vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C which act as the strongest antioxidants to maintain healthy body tissues from free radical attack, tomatoes also contain lycopene which can prevent inflammation from free skin which can trigger the growth of acne.

3. Native honey
contains substances needed to improve skin regeneration and is able to maintain skin collagen conditions to remain stable and healthy. Honey also contains vitamins B1, B2, C, B6, niacin, asampantotenat, folic acid, vitamin K and complete minerals that can moisturize the skin from attacks of dryness and make the skin avoid acne and dull skin.

4. Papaya
Papaya contains vitamins A, B, C, ribofalvon, niacin in all nutrients can maintain the natural oil balance on the skin surface and can prevent the appearance of acne.

5. Aloe vera
Aloe vera mucus contains vitamin A, niacin, riboflavon and others which are suitable for all types of skin which can relieve the skin from tension and cure skin inflammation due to acne attacks.

H. Things That Are Forbidden When Face Is Overgrown with Acne

1. Squeeze acne by force and without special tools can make acne worse and inflamed.

2. Too often cleaning the face is not good for the stability of natural oils in the skin surface. the skin will lose its natural moisture and become dry, making the skin susceptible to radical damage which contains the bacteria that cause acne.

3. Cleaning products that contain lots of oil can trigger acne that is getting bigger, inflamed and more and more.

4. The habit of touching the face especially if you are having acne is not recommended because the hand is the easiest means for bacteria to interact with the skin. Acne if often held and touched can make the condition bigger and new inflammation arises which can cause swelling

5. Forgot to clean your face when you want to sleep at night is a bad habit because when the face is dirty, when we sleep, the activity of germs that cause acne 5 times faster to react because at that moment the face is resting.

I. Things that can accelerate the Acne Healing Process

1. Diligently drink water at least 8 liters per day
2. Do light exercise activities twice a week
3. consume supplements of vitamins A, C and E
4. Avoid cigarettes and alcohol which can trigger fine wrinkles
5. Doing things that are fun to avoid stress
6. Familiarize yourself with cleaning your face when you want to sleep at night
7. Use a acne mask three times a week consistently
8. Eat fruits every day at least one different type of fruit every day.
9. Adequate rest and not staying up late if not because of a very important thing
10. Do not change makeup changes including facial cleansers or moisturizers which are formulated for acne prone skin

J. Sports that can remove acne

1. Jogging
Before starting the activity, try jogging for at least 30 minutes every day or after returning home. Jogging has good benefits for skin health, especially to maintain moisture and help brighten the skin so that the skin is protected from acne.

2. Pilates
Pilates turns out to be a sport that is able to treat and prevent acne because by pilates your facial pores will be fresh and avoid oil blockages.

3. Yoga.
If this sport is indeed a lot of benefits, including eradicating stubborn acne. Do not believe? Although yoga movements look graceful, but guaranteed, yoga can make you sweat.

4. Cardio Sports.
In addition to the three types of exercise above, cardio is a type of exercise that is also able to deal with acne, especially eliminating acne spots.

copy iklan disini 300 x 600
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